By Laws of Morristown Rescue Squad

January 3rd, 2008


Constitution and Bylaws …………………………………………………………………………… 5

Article I……………………………………………………………………………………………………….5


Article II……………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………………………..5

Article III…………………………………………………………………………………………………….5


1. Qualifications ………………………………………………………………………………………….5

2. Joining ……………………………………………………………………………………………………6

3. Conduct………………………………………………………………………………………………….6

4. Leave…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

5. Retirement………………………………………………………………………………………………8

6. Penalties………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

Article IV……………………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Executive Committee…………………………………………………………………………………..9

1. Board of Directors………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

2. Executive Committee ……………………………………………………………………………. 9

Article V…………………………………………………………………………………………………….10

Duties of the Executive Committee ………………………………………………………….. 10

1. Captain ………………………………………………………………………………………………….10

2. First Lieutenant……………………………………………………………………………………..10

3. Second Lieutenant ……………………………………………………………………………… 10

4. Secretary ……………………………………………………………………………………………..10

5. Treasurer……………………………………………………………………………………………….11

6. Sergeant………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

7. Chaplain ………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

8. Warrant Officer…………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Article VI……………………………………………………………………………………………………11

Meetings, Drills, and Training …………………………………………………………………… 11

1. Meetings and Drills ………………………………………………………………………………. 11

2. Training …………………………………………………………………………………………………12

Article VII…………………………………………………………………………………………………..13

Equipment and Properties………………………………………………………………………… 13

1. Equipment………………………………………………………………………………………………13

2. Farm ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..13

Article VIII………………………………………………………………………………………………….13

Election and Voting ……………………………………………………………………………………13

1. Election………………………………………………………………………………………………….13

2. Voting…………………………………………………………………………………………………….14

Article IX……………………………………………………………………………………………………14

Awards ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

1. Lifetime Membership……………………………………………………………………………. 14

2. Service Awards…………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Article X…………………………………………………………………………………………………….15

Amendments and Parliamentary Procedure ……………………………………………… 15

1. Amendments………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

2. Parliamentary Procedure ……………………………………………………………………… 15

Article XI……………………………………………………………………………………………………16

Morristown Emergency Medical Service ………………………………………………….. 16

1. Outline…………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

2. Board of Directors……………………………………………………………………………….. 16

Constitution and Bylaws

Article I


The name of the organization shall be the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad, Incorporated.

Article II

Mission Statement

The Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad shall provide assistance, render first aid, and care for all persons in distress or agencies in need with knowledgeable and trained emergency responders.

Article III


1. Qualifications  

A. The membership shall consist of a maximum of one hundred (100) active members.

B. A member shall be over the age of 18.

C. A member shall be of good moral character.

D. A member shall be physically fit.

E. A member shall be available for calls, drills, and missions.

F. A member shall be neat in appearance.

G. A member shall be required to take and pass a first‐aid and CPR course within the six month probationary period and keep this certification current.

H. A member shall be required to take and pass a basic vehicle extrication course within the six month probationary period and keep this certification current.

I. All members over the age of 21 shall be required to take and pass an Emergency Vehicle Operations and Vanessa K Free Course within the six month probationary period and keep this certification current.

J. No member under the age of 21 shall be able to operate any Morristown Emergency

and Rescue Squad vehicle outside a training environment. Vehicles constitute trucks,

boats, and off‐road vehicles.

K. Members under the age of 21 shall not have the power to change the minimum driving age.

L. All members wishing to obtain Rescue tags for their vehicle must present a suitable first aid kit for their vehicle.

M. All members will be required to pull squad standby in one of the following forms:

• One twelve (12) hour shift every other week.

• One six (6) hour shift every week.

2. Joining

A. Any person wishing to join the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad shall be required to submit an application.  That person shall be required to attend 3 regular squad meetings before being voted on by the members.

B. The Membership Committee shall be comprised of no less than 3 members, and shall evaluate all applicants wishing to join the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad. Recommendation to vote on the applicant shall come from the Membership Committee after the applicants three (3) initial meetings.  Members must be present to be voted in to the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad.

C. Second shift workers or persons in school will be excused from their three (3) initial meetings and being present for a membership vote.

D. Any applicant except ex‐members with three (3) or more years of services receiving nine (9) or more dissenting votes or three‐quarters (¾) majority shall have their application rejected and said applicant must wait a period of one (1) year before submitting another application for membership into the squad.

E. Any member who leaves the Rescue Squad in good standing with three (3) or more years of service may reapply for membership and be reinstated by a simple majority vote of those members present. The member must remain active for a period of at least one (1) year. The time between resignation and reinstatement will not count toward time served.  The time before resignation will be carried over and applied to current service.  Any reinstated member will be required to meet current training standards and guidelines of membership.

F. If accepted, the new member (except ex‐members with three (3) or more years of

service) is automatically placed on probation for six (6) months.  A membership

application shall be submitted to T.A.R.S. immediately.  When the membership card is

received, it will be held until permanent membership vote has been taken and passed. Then the card will be given to the member.

G. After the six month probation, the member shall be re‐voted on with twelve (12) dissenting votes or three‐quarters (¾) majority being required to dismiss the member.

3. Conduct

A. All members shall be expected at all times to conduct themselves in such a manner as to command the respect of all squad members, Executive Committee, and of the general public.

B. No member shall be on squad premises or take part in any activity of the squad while in an intoxicated or drugged condition, whether partially or completely so, under any circumstance.  This will be grounds for immediate dismissal.

C. No member may make any purchase or transact any business in the name of the squad for personal gain.

D. All members shall not permit any other person to use any form of squad identification or uniform, or use the name in any way embarrassing to the squad.

E. All members on duty shall obey all traffic laws.  Members receiving a ticket while on duty for breaking any traffic law shall pay their own fine.

F. All members shall not wear the uniform while not on duty.

G. All members are responsible for their own mess while at the squad building, either on or off duty.

H. All members shall not discuss squad business outside of the squad.

I. No squad vehicle or member shall be at a private club or package store while on duty unless on squad business.

J. Squad property and vehicles shall not display political decals or banners of any type. This includes personal vehicles with Squad Tags.

4. Leave

A. Any member requesting a leave of absence for any period of time must meet with the Executive Committee and state the reason for desired leave.  Acceptance of the leave shall be subject to squad approval.

B. Leave time, excluding a leave from meetings only, does not count as a period of active service and is not to be included in counting time for service patches and retirement.

C. Sickness is just reason for not meeting with the officers for a leave of absence

D. Any member who is sick with written permission from their doctor may miss meetings and standbys for a period of six months without loss of time on their service record of active time.  At the end of the six month period, the member, if still sick, shall meet with the executive committee.

E. A member wishing to resign from the squad shall return all equipment belonging to the squad and squad tags within three (3) days of resignation acceptance.

F. A member’s resignation shall become final after acceptance of the membership at the next regular meeting.

G. A member dismissed in bad standing from the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad must wait one (1) calendar year before re‐applying for squad membership.

5. Retirement

A member who has served actively with the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad for a period of fifteen (15) years or more and who wishes to retire will have the privilege of choosing between the following retirement plans:

A. Full Retirement

• The member shall be permitted to keep their complete uniform

• The member shall be permitted to attend regular meetings, but will not be

carried on the roll and will not have voting privileges.

• The member shall have the opportunity to return as an active member, but

must be active for a period of at least one (1) year.

B. Semi Retirement

• The member shall be required to attend six events per year, including ball

games, races, or other squad missions.

• The member shall be required to pull twelve (12) hours of squad service per

month, including building maintenance, vehicle cleaning, or other such duties.

• The member shall be required to attend 50% of the regular meetings.

• The member shall have the privilege of voting on all squad business.

• The member shall have the privilege of participating in all squad functions.

• The member shall be available for squad callouts.

• The member shall always have the opportunity to return as an active member but must be active for a period of at least one (1) year.

6. Penalties

Should any member commit any infraction or violation of any rule or regulation of this organization, upon receipt of a written complaint, that member shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration of the alleged violation, and the committee shall recommend penalty for said violation.

A. Members who do not cover their assigned standby without notifying one the executive committee after attempting to cover your standby with someone of adequate training

shall be placed on three (3) months probation. If during that time, the member misses a second standby without notifying one of the executive committee, that member will be dismissed immediately.

B. If charges are brought against any member or members, all involved will meet with the Executive Committee no later than one (1) week after the charges are presented to an officer.

C. Should the Executive Committee recommend dismissal, a vote will be taken at a regular meeting by the squad members present with three‐fourths (3/4) of those voting being necessary to carry.

D. All members should not discuss infractions or violations until Sub‐section B and C under Penalties Section of the Bylaws have been carried out and processed by the Executive Committee.

E. Any member found abusing squad equipment shall be brought before the Executive Committee for the first offense and will be dismissed from the squad for the second offense.

Article IV

Executive Committee

1. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of fifteen (15) members.  Eight (8) being the current Executive Committee of the Rescue Squad and seven (7) being area residents willing to serve to advance the squad.  This group shall meet at least quarterly, or when necessary, and shall elect their officers by majority vote.  The seven (7) area residents are to be elected on the following basis:

One (1) County Court Member

One (1) City Council Member

One (1) Ministerial Association Member

Two (2) Local Civic Club Members

Two (2) Industry Members

The changing of terms is as follows:

County Court and City Council members’ terms will expire at the end of the elected terms.  The Ministerial Association member and the two Civic Club members’ terms will automatically expire at the end of one (1) year.  The Industrial members will expire on a staggered basis, one on an even year, and one on an odd year.

When the term of the Civic Club and Industrial members expires, consideration should be given to the different civic clubs and industry.  The Executive Committee will make a recommendation each year for the Board of Directors.

2. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee and Chain of Command for the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad shall consist of the following: Captain, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant, Chaplain, and Warrant Officer.

A. If an opening occurs in the Executive Committee, a replacement will be elected by accepting nominations from the floor.  A vote shall be taken by secret ballot, with the majority electing.

Article V

Duties of the Executive Committee

All officers are responsible for training the next person to hold office.

1. Captain

A. The Captain shall preside at all meetings and drills, and shall be in charge of all calls.

B. The Captain shall be responsible for the performance of work entrusted the other officers of the squad.

C. The Captain shall appoint the Training Officer after the annual election.

D. The Captain shall appoint the Unit Director following the annual T.A.R.S. convention.

E. The Captain shall act as the chairman of the Program Committee and may appoint other squad members to serve and act on that committee.

2. First Lieutenant

A. The First Lieutenant shall preside at all meetings and drills in the absence of the Captain, and shall assume the duties of the Captain in his absence.

B. The First Lieutenant shall be responsible for obtaining members for all standbys.

C. The First Lieutenant shall be responsible for providing each new squad member with a current set of bylaws.

3. Second Lieutenant

A. The Second Lieutenant shall be in charge of all squad equipment and shall select various members to take charge of said equipment.

B. The Second Lieutenant shall assume the duties of the First Lieutenant in his absence.

4. Secretary

A. The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of all meetings and all squad correspondence.

B. The Secretary shall, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, make an annual report of the squad activities.

C. The Secretary shall be responsible for Rescue Squad call records, and mobile unit mileage records.

D. The Secretary shall be responsible for the updating and publishing of a new bylaw book every two (2) years.

E. The Secretary shall file the roll book and copies of the minutes for the preceding year ending with the election supper in the Secretary’s office.

5. Treasurer

A. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial activities of the squad.

B. The Treasurer shall be responsible for sending all reports and budgets to the United Way as long as the squad is an agency of the United Way.

C. The Treasurer shall provide, not later than July 31st of each year, the necessary information for an audit to an auditor.  The Treasurer shall provide monthly reports to the Squad no later than the 3rd meeting night of the following month.

6. Sergeant

A. The Sergeant shall be in charge of the Social Committee and shall appoint other members to serve on this committee under his direction.

B. The Sergeant shall be responsible for feeding squad members on call outs.

C. The Sergeant shall be responsible for the condition of the squad building and may select the necessary members to keep the squad building clean and presentable at all times.

7. Chaplain

A. The Chaplain shall open and close all meetings and drills with prayer.

B. The Chaplain shall be in charge of all private donations from squad members.

8. Warrant Officer

A. The Warrant Officer shall be responsible for all squad publicity, demonstration, picture taking for the squad, and shall appoint at least one assistant from the squad membership.

Article VI

Meetings, Drills, and Training

1. Meetings and Drills

A. The regular meeting shall be held every other Thursday at the squad building and shall start promptly at 1930 hrs.  This schedule may be amended by the Captain as needed.

B. Any member having to miss a regular meeting will call squad building or notify officers before 1930 hrs.

C. Special drills and meetings may be called by any member of the Executive Committee, or by any squad member having the endorsement of the Squad Captain.

D. Squad drills shall be held at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

E. Request for services from other squads or authorities must be approved by an Executive Committee member.

F. Any member absent for three (3) consecutive meetings without being excused shall be called before the Membership Committee to give reasons for missing said meetings. Special consideration shall be given for shift and night workers and persons in school.

G. Failure to actively participate in rescue missions will be just cause to bring a member before the Executive Committee.

H. A member wishing to leave a drill, meeting, or squad call must obtain permission from the presiding officer.

I. All members shall stand and be recognized by the presiding officer before speaking during meetings.

J. All members on probation shall be required to leave the meeting room when a member is to be voted in or out of the squad.

K. Any member who cannot work at the July 4th celebration must meet with the Executive Committee in order to be excused from participation.

L. All squad members are required to attend the annual Morristown Christmas Parade each year.  Members unable to attend must meet with the Executive Committee in order to be excused from participation.

2. Training

A. The Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad will provide tuition for a maximum of two (2) Emergency Medical Technician students per year.  The students will be selected from current squad members in good standing, and selection will be based on seniority. Application for EMT tuition will be submitted to the Executive Committee. 

B. The Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad will not be responsible for financing medical training above the level of basic Emergency Medical Technician.

C. Squad members will be responsible for their books and supplies needed for their classes, unless equipment can be used from the current supply of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad.

Article VII

Equipment and Properties

1. Equipment

A. Squad equipment shall not be removed from the squad building, taken out of service, or loaned by anyone unless approved by the Captain or officers in charge of that equipment.

B. Squad members on duty shall be responsible for the cleanliness of the bunkroom, squad office and restrooms, as well as all squad vehicles and equipment.

C. Squad members shall approve the sale of any squad equipment.

D. A vote must be taken by the members present on all purchases of twenty‐five ($25.00) dollars or more, except in the case of an emergency, in which the officer in charge will make all decisions on the purchase of twenty‐five ($25.00) dollars or more.

E. Search and Rescue Canines will be kept with their handler or in a cage at all times.

2. Farm

A. The Executive Committee is to set the price of the rent on the farm each year.

B. The farm property can only be sold in the following manner:                 

i. Approval of the officers with only one (1) opposing vote.                                                   

ii. Approval of the total membership with a 90% majority.                                    

iii. Once this is approved by the proposals above, it shall be re‐voted on in 180 days and approved as above.

Article VIII

Election and Voting

1. Election

A. By the first meeting in March of each year, the captain shall appoint an Election Committee to prepare the ballot for election to be held the last Thursday of July.

B. Candidates for squad officer may come from floor nominations or from a Crewman’s meeting.  Nominations will be accepted until two (2) weeks preceding the annual election.  There shall be a maximum of three (3) candidates for any one office.

C. The ballot shall contain the officers’ position as follows: Captain, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant, Chaplin and Warrant Officer.  The candidate’s name will appear beside each respective office with only one circle of the name to indicate the voter’s choice.

D. Absentee ballots may be cast by members who will not be able to attend the election. Said ballots shall be ready two (2) weeks prior to the election.

E. All eligible squad members shall vote one (1) hour prior to the annual election, except for those that have voted by absentee ballot.  Voting shall be held at the election site.

F. The Election Committee will count the ballots immediately after the voting ceases, and will announce the winners at the appropriate time.

G. In case of a tie vote, a run‐off will be held between the two candidates and will be held prior to announcing the winners.

2. Voting

A. Any member on leave shall not be eligible to vote at meetings or at the annual election.

B. A member on approved leave that cuts leave time short less than sixty (60) days prior to the election, shall not be eligible to vote.

C. Any member absent for 50% or more meetings in a calendar quarter shall loose all voting privileges for the following quarter.  Any member that has lost voting privileges for two or more quarters in a calendar year and/or is absent for 50% or more meetings in a calendar year (calendar year is from the annual election meeting to the next) shall not be allowed to vote or run for any office at the annual election.  Members not able to attend required meetings, due to work, school, or other legitimate reasons, shall meet with the Executive Committee to request a leave from the meetings and shall retain voting privileges. Being placed on the weekly meeting excused list does not exempt a member from the minimum attendance requirements.

Article IX


1. Lifetime Membership

A Lifetime Membership shall be granted to members having served in a faithful and satisfactory manner for a period of fifteen (15) years. Lifetime Members will be granted by the consent of the executive committee after being requested by squad members.

2. Service Awards

A. A member after serving five (5) years of active service shall be awarded a green patch indicating the period of service and a plaque.

B. A member after serving ten (10) years of active service shall be awarded a gold patch indicating the period of service and a plaque.

C. A member after serving fifteen (15) years of active service shall be awarded a red patch indicating the period of service and either a wrist or pocket watch.

D. A member after serving twenty (20) years of active service shall be awarded a blue patch indicating the period of service and a ring.

E. A member after serving twenty‐five (25) years of active service shall be awarded an orange patch indicating the period of service and either a wrist or pocket watch.

F. A member after serving thirty (30) years of active service shall be awarded a brown patch indicating the period of service and a portable radio

G. A member after serving thirty‐five (35) years of active service shall be awarded a grey patch and plaque indicating the period of service, and a video camera.

H. A member after serving forty (40) years of active service shall be awarded a purple patch and a plaque indicating the period of service, and a laptop computer.

I. No cash money will be given as a service award.

J. The maximum allowable value of a service award will not exceed five hundred ($500.00) dollars.

Article X

Amendments and Parliamentary Procedure

1. Amendments

This Constitution and Bylaws shall be amended, repealed, or added to by three‐fourths (3/4) majority of the members present, and then re‐voted on after the proposed amendment, repeal or addition has lain on the table for a period of two (2) weeks.

2. Parliamentary Procedure

A. Parliamentary procedure of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad shall be Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.

B. The latest updated and revised Constitution and Bylaws shall supersede all earlier Constitutions, Bylaws, and Minutes of the squad.

Article XI

Morristown Emergency Medical Service

1. Outline

A. The Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad owns the Morristown Emergency Medical Service.

B. The Morristown Emergency Medical Service is a paid ambulance service operating in Hamblen County and the City of Morristown with paid employees twenty‐four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week.

C. The Morristown Emergency Medical Service operations are under the leadership of the director.  The director is in charge of the daily operations of the Morristown EMS.  All employees of the Morristown EMS report to the director. The director reports to the Board of Directors.

D. The Morristown Emergency Medical Service will have in place an operations manual, outlining the policies and procedures of paid employees.

2. Board of Directors

A. The affairs of the Morristown Emergency Medical Service shall be managed by its Board of Directors.

B. The Board of Directors shall consist of twelve (12) voting members composed as follows: 

i. One (1) member representing Morristown‐Hamblen Healthcare System.  This seat shall be filled by the administrator of the hospital or his designated person.  If the hospital administrator appoints someone other than himself, that person will serve an initial term of three (3) years.

ii. One (1) member representing Lakeway Regional Hospital.  This seat shall be filled by the administrator of the hospital or his designated person.  If the hospital administrator appoints someone other than himself, that person will serve an initial term of three (3) years.

iii. One (1) member representing the Hamblen County Sheriff’s Department.  This seat shall be filled by the Sheriff, or his designated person.  If the Sheriff designates someone other than himself, that person will serve an initial term of four (4) years.

iv. One (1) member representing the Morristown City Police Department.  This seat shall be filled by the Chief of Police, or his designated person.  If the Chief of Policed designates someone other than himself, that person shall serve an initial term of four (4) years.

v. One (1) member representing the Hamblen County Board of Commissioners as designated by that governmental body.  This member’s term shall coincide with his term on the Board of Commissioners.

vi. One (1) member representing the Morristown City Council as designated by that governmental body.  This member’s term shall coincide with his termon the Morristown City Council.

vii. One (1) member representing the Morristown Fire Department.  This seat shall be filled by the Fire Chief or his designated person.  If the Fire Chief designates someone other than himself, then that individual shall serve an initial term of two (2) years.                                                                                  

viii. One (1) member from the membership of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad as elected by the membership at its annual meeting.  This member shall have been a member of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad for no less than three (3) consecutive years and be in good standing at the time of his election.  This member shall serve an initial term of four (4) years.                         

ix. One (1) member representing a financial institution located in Hamblen County, Tennessee to be appointed by the Captain of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad.  The designated person shall serve an initial term of one (1) year.  This seat shall be occupied by an employee of a different financial institution every two (2) years.  For purpose of these by‐ laws, a financial institution shall be defined as any regulated entity authorized by federal or state law to accept demand deposits.                                                                                                           

x. One (1) member representing local industry as designated by the Captain of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad.  This member shall serve an initial term of two (2) years.                                                                                                                                                                         xi. One (1) member representing a local, small business as designated by the Morristown Chamber of Commerce Small Business Committee.  This member will serve an initial term of one (1) year.                                                                                                                                                xii. One (1) member‐at‐large appointed from the residents of Hamblen County appointed by the Captain of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad. This member‐at‐large shall serve an initial term of two (2) years.

C. The Board of Directors shall also consist of three (3) nonvoting, ex officio members as follows:                                                                                                 i. The Captain of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad or his temporary designated person who will serve a term for so long as he serves in that capacity.                                                                                                        ii. An employee of the Morristown Emergency Medical Service as elected by the members of the Morristown Emergency Medical Service.  An election shall be held annually by the employees for this purpose.                                             iii. The Director of the Morristown Emergency Medical Service or his designated person.

D. Except where a position on the Board of Directors results by virtue of an office or position, after the initial terms as set above, all terms thereafter shall be for a period of two (2) years.  The Board shall annually organize itself by electing a Chairman and Secretary.  Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts’ Rules of Order.

E. The Board of Directors may be dissolved at any time by three‐fourths (3/4) majority vote from the members of the Morristown Emergency and Rescue Squad.  After setting on the table for a period of two (2) weeks, a second (2nd) vote shall be taken, requiring three‐quarters (3/4) majority to dissolve the Board of Directors.  Responsibility for re‐establishing the Committee may be taken back by the Executive Committee of the Rescue Squad.

F. The decisions made by the Board of Directors are final.


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